Acorn Community Fund Offer

We believe in supporting communities local to our projects.

In our latest initiative to contribute positively to the communities surrounding our anaerobic digestion plants, Acorn recently launched its Community Funding Offer with the aim of bringing positive benefits to local areas hosting our facilities.

Alongside the national benefits that Acorn's projects bring in terms of energy sustainability, security and affordability, we also believe in sharing benefits locally. Not just by driving new investment in local farming, but also supporting community projects that matter to local residents.

Community projects

Acorn will work with the local community to establish arrangements for the fund, including the area and scope of delivery of the funds that best works for the local community. The fund available is typically in the region of £20,000, and can support a large single project or be disseminated across a number of smaller projects. Examples of the types of potentially suitable community projects include:

Additional support for training and employment

Education and Culture including support for local facilities and organisations

Social Assistance to support projects involved with care and health

Promotion of Renewable Energy Locally

Improvements to local Infrastructure such as playgrounds and the local environment

Local Sports, including improvements to facilities and sponsorship for local teams

If you are interested in applying for a Local Fund, please click on your desired project on the map below for more information or email directly.

Our Projects